Drama Drama Review

“When The Phone Rings” – a stormy romance in the good old style of classic kdrama

What is his drama about?

Baek Sa Eon and Hong Hui Ju have been married for 3 years. They both come from wealthy families. However, this is not an ordinary marriage by contract between two wealthy heirs. Their relationship hides an uncomfortable secret that cannot be revealed, especially during the presidential elections, which Baek Sa Eon’s father is preparing for. The young spouses are practically strangers, especially since communication between them is difficult due to Hui Ju’s selective mutism. One day, Sa Eon receives a strange phone call from a man who claims that Hui Ju has been kidnapped.

This drama took me by surprise because, as I mentioned before, I had no intention of watching it. I was convinced by the good reviews after 2 episodes and the main actress Chae Soo Bin, whom I like very much. After the first 4 episodes, I went completely crazy about this story and went to read its original source (available in English), on which the drama is based. I am glad that the writers stuck to the book quite faithfully and that I read it quite quickly, because thanks to that I was resistant to all the little stupidities that also appeared in the drama. Despite this, I respect that the writers were able to surprise me until the very end. They managed to create a drama that is much better than the original source.

“When The Phone Rings” is the type of drama that should make logical thinking go on vacation. If you want, you can complain about the unbelievable plot, but that’s not the point. I can’t remember when a drama aroused so many emotions and gave me so much joy. I was a little worried that they would ruin the last episode for me, but the writers somehow managed to pull it off. In fact, I’m even glad that my adventure with this drama is over, because I don’t know if I could stand another week of such madness and tension:)

Why did the drama steal the hearts of half the world? First of all, everything somehow held together, something was always happening, the tension was skillfully built and there were a lot of extreme emotions. Even though I read the book, I didn’t know exactly how it would end. I lived in uncertainty until the last minute.

A huge credit goes to the brilliant casting. If it weren’t for Yoo Yeon Seok and Chae Soo Bin, I think the drama wouldn’t have gained such popularity. They managed to create incredible chemistry, and it’s not easy, especially since most of the time the main actress doesn’t say a word. Here, they played with their glances, small gestures, well-directed shots and a brilliant cameraman. I don’t hide the fact that I would like to see them together on screen again because this duo is gold.

Who is this drama for? For anyone who is hungry for an emotional ride, for fans of good acting, for someone who appreciates nice romance with great chemistry between actors, and for those who can turn a blind eye to cliched K-drama plots and certain stupidities in the plot:).

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