This week I wanted something Taiwanese. I learned what’s new in this market and I found quite an interesting drama “Between”. The main character is a marketing manager, who has to fight a lot of pressure at work and at home. What drew my attention is of course her fashion style. The girl seems to be a normal person with a limited amount of clothes in the closet, which she combines in different ways. Six episodes have passed and in just a few of her stylizations I’ve seen the same shoes, skirt or pants. It is also practical, that her stylizations have a consistent color, so that all her clothes fit together nicely. Our heroine evidently likes white, blue and red. I don’t mind that in some dramas (especially the Korean ones) some actresses dress up a few times and never show up in the same clothing. However, it’s nice to look at someone who, like me, has a limited wardrobe space and budget, and perfectly combines what she has.