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Watching Asian dramas, mostly Korean, Taiwanese and Japanese is the perfect remedy for me after a busy day. It started in 2007 and now I watch Asian dramas almost every day. I sit down in front of my laptop in the evening and move into a different world. Unfortunately, I’m all by myself in my addiction. My husband has more interesting things to watch, although sometimes he gives it a try. His interest ends after a few episodes. Among my friends I have only one who watches dramas as I do, but she is so busy that she does it less and less. Once my sister wanted to watch something, but she never finished anything. Another very close friend of mine in spite of my hot persuasion defends herself against it and refuse to participate in any drama watching. Poor me!

Why this blog was created?

When I watch dramas, I often find some interesting things such as cool music, interesting interiors, amazing fashion or delicious food. In my private life I have no one to share my findings with, so this is why my blog was created. I want to share what I found and find fans like me and talk about dramas and everything about it. Get together in drama obsession, complain about the strange ending of dramas, or recommend something cool. I also have such quiet hope that such skeptics as my friend will see that watching Asian dramas and movies can be fun too.

I will not play with big reviews, because I know very little about it and I simply lack talent. I’m not a  writer or reviewer. I will stay with a brief description and my personal impressions, which I hope will be interesting and will lead several people to see a certain title. I hope I can also post some nice recipes for some Japanese or Korean food I’ve been obsessed with for some time now. I love Korean fashion so there will be some of that.

How did it start with me?

I think it all started with the anime at the end of my primary school years. Later, after some time, my close friend (drama and anime fan) suggested that I watch something. Japanese dramas is like a live action anime, so I was ready to see what it was like. I remember the title of my first drama ever – “Kabe onna yama onna”. The seed of curiosity was sown. The first WOOOOOW came with the next series, very popular “Hana Yori Dango”. Then I survived my first Asian drama marathon and the first dramatic hunger crying “Give me more!”. Then I watched almost everything that got me in hand, but it was mainly Japanese productions. Only a few years ago I discovered the charm of Korean dramas, and quite recently also the Taiwanese. Now I can’t live without them.

What dramas gave me?

It can’t be denied that dramas have changed my life. Many Japanese or Korean dishes are permanently in my house. I always have kimchi in the fridge, sometimes very old. I listen to different music (my recent discovery – Glen Check, Clazziquai or Epik High), read a lot about culture and social behavior in Asian countries. I’m trying very hard to learn Korean language and patiently train my English watching dramas with English subtitles. I am also fascinated by the art and crafts of the Far East, which are incredibly rich and beautiful.

I hope to meet many people who share my interests, who are able to understand this state of euphoria or breakdown after an unsatisfactory ending.

English is not my native language, so please be understanding.


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