For the last few weeks I haven’t found any interesting drama fashion. I think that’s because the drama I’m currently watching is mostly crime fiction and law series. Unfortunately, in such series fashion is simply boring. This week, I decided to introduce the style of the main character of the drama “The Undateables” (“Handsome Guy and Jung-Eum”). This is a romantic comedy, but unfortunately not so good. The most interesting thing in this series was fashion. Nam Goong-Min plays here the owner of a toy museum, who is also a great expert on male-female relationships and a dating advisor. His wardrobe is full of elegant suits and stylish jackets. I like that many of his clothes have pastel colors, which the average man avoids like fire. His style probably will not appeal to everyone, but you can’t deny him his originality and elegance.
Sets with a jacket
Shirts and blouses