Today I decided to show you a beautiful wardrobe in the mini drama “Provoke”, which takes place in the years of Republican China. The basis of the wardrobes of the most fashionable Chinese women of that time were the unique qipao (fitted dresses with a characteristic stand-up collar). In addition, there was always beautiful pearl jewelry and decorative hairpins. I must admit that I really like this period in Chinese fashion. To this day, qipao is an extremely popular dress cut, even in Western countries. It combines tradition, originality and extraordinary feminine elegance. I must admit that I would love to have a few of these qipaos in my wardrobe.
I noticed that the main character repeatedly appeared in some dresses, which means she behaves like a normal woman. I don’t know if it’s a small budget for drama or a realistic approach to the contents of women’s wardrobes, but I really liked it. It always amused me when the main characters in dramas wore a different coat every episode. Sure, it was fun to watch the latest fashion trends, but for the character it was totally unbelievable, especially when she also came from a poorer family. Well, dramaland has its own fashion rules.